We are asking you to register your interest for our 2022 pilgrimage, which we are starting to plan for now.
It is important for us in these early planning stages that we get a feel for numbers who would be interested in travelling with us to Lourdes.
This includes Hospitalité helpers, supported pilgrims and everyone who wishes to visit the shrine as part of the pilgrimage.
The pilgrimage is initially planned for Friday May 27 to Friday July 3, but this could be subject to change as we proceed into full planning.
Anyone who may be interested in travelling to Lourdes for our 2022 pilgrimage is asked to get in touch to register their interest.
Supported pilgrims: headofhospitalite@rcdmidd.org.uk
Brancardiers: headbrancardier@rcdmidd.org.uk
Handmaids: headhandmaid@rcdmidd.org.uk
Nurses/doctors: doctor@rcdmidd.org.uk or headnurse@rcdmidd.org.uk
Musicians: thelombards@hotmail.com
Pilgrims: pilgrimagedirector@rcdmidd.org.uk
Alternatively, write to Lourdes Pilgrimage Director, Curial Office, 50a The Avenue, Middlesbrough TS5 6QT.