Voice Readers Support Albania

Sr Imelda Poole IBVM(Loreto) writes,

Thank you to all the readers and generous donators who have so kindly responded to the appeal for the projects in Albania. The amazing total raised was £2365.00 and this achievement, during such a short time and at this time in England when the credit crunch is causing so much suffering to many, is truly humbling.

photo of people in Roma Camp, Christmas Eve 2008

I want to thank you on behalf of the people of Albania for you kindness at this time and to assure you that the money will be carefully used for the named projects and in particular for the education and well being of the Roma children living in the camp site at the train station here in Tirana.

photo of child being treated at clinic

Over Christmas we visited a local school, took part in a feeding programme at the Roma camps, (much of the food was bought with donated money from England) and visited a Caritas health clinic.

photo of statue of Madonna and Child in Albania

We also saw a statue of Mary and the Child Jesus in Ashta, where the statue was hidden by the local Catholics, underground, throughout the time of communism and now is in pride of place in the local church.

You will always be in my prayer, please pray for me.

With thanks again,

Sr Imelda

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