Women’s World Day of Prayer in South West York

Parishioners from English Martyrs, York, joined ladies from host-venue Southlands Methodist Church and others from Church of England parishes of St Clement’s and St Chad’s to celebrate Women’s World Day of Prayer on 6th March.

photo of participants courtesy of Bob Lawrence

This year’s service on the theme ‘In Christ there are many members yet one body’ was prepared by the women of Papua New Guinea. The Bible readings, hymns and prayers, together with a short address by Mary Andrews, helped us reflect on the international significance of the theme while some other passages described how women in Papua New Guinea had helped to bring about peace and reconciliation in that troubled area in the Pacific. Monica, from St Clements, is from Papua New Guinea and, as well as reading about her countrywomen and helping the rest of the congregation with the pronunciation of words in her native language, she also brought lots of items to illustrate life there, including colourful knitted and crocheted bags (bilums) used to carry all sorts of loads, from babies to bricks, and a grass skirt. Unfortunately she was unable to be present for the photo-call. The photograph of the readers includes speaker Mary Andrews, fourth from right.

Judith Smeaton

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