Celebrations at English Martyrs, York

In February 2007 English Martyrs Parish, York, reached its 125th birthday whilst in May, the present church also reached a milestone of 75 years of existence.

In celebration of both events, a flower festival was held over three days from 13th to 15th July. Ladies from St Wilfrid’s, the earliest of the York parishes, and from Our Lady’s, the parish founded from English Martyrs, contributed their own displays alongside those of our own parishioners, especially Mary Hunter. Along with a display charting the history of the parish and an exhibition of historic vestments, plus strawberry and cream refreshments on the Saturday, the flower festival gave great pleasure and enjoyment. A further element was added to the celebrations by the creation of a new chapel in honour of the English Martyrs, 58 of whom met their deaths in York. This chapel is now a permanent feature of the church and a leaflet on the martyrs has been produced by Judith Smeaton. Another parishioner, Bridget Newton, contributed a painting first conceived as a potential design for a stained glass window and, all around, parishioners and friends contributed their skills and support in creating this new focus for devotion.

Donations at the flower festival came to over £400 – not the first consideration in the celebrations but useful, nonetheless, at a time when the parish is needing to raise substantial sums for repairs and maintenance. In the second year of a three year effort, the parish has raised £40,000 out of a desired total of £125,000 to guarantee the future.

It is hoped to produce a booklet on the history of English Martyrs parish before the end of the year, as an additional way of celebrating the parish’s past and looking forward to its future.

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