Bishop Terry distributes Holy Communion during the visit of the relics of St Bernadette – Photo by Chris Booth
Nov, 2022
Bishop Terry’s November 2022 Voice column

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen

It is such a common and well-worn prayer, that it trips off our tongue with such ease, and perhaps little thought. It’s November, and I always think that this signals the beginning of the “dark months”. I know the nights have been getting longer all the way through October, but in October we can still remember the long summer days and the warmth of the early autumn sun. When November comes, that’s it! Only dark and winter lies ahead.

No wonder that November is the time that the Church soberly reminds us of the fact that death is the one thing we can all count on. Tempus fugit, momento mori – Time flies, remember death. Although it is not a pleasant thing to contemplate, if we are truly believers in Christ who died and is risen, then death can hold no real fears.
November is also the month of special prayer for the Holy Souls. It has always been a strong tradition to offer prayer and masses for the repose of those who have gone before us – those we have known and loved, relatives, benefactors, and friends. Also, there is an age-old custom of praying for those souls in Purgatory who no-one remembers.
As I have got older, I have made a specific task of remembering all the priests who ministered to me in parishes where I have lived and with whom I have worked. You might think of that too. And while you are doing that remember to pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have ministered to you in this Diocese, all the bishops, priests and deacons, the religious priests, brothers and sisters. Commend them all to God’s mercy.

I share with you an interesting and amusing bit of anonymous poetry from the 1930s that I discovered recently. It’s slightly wacky but take it as you like!

One of these nights about twelve o’clock

The old worlds going to reel and rock,

The sinners going to tremble and pain

And the Lord will come in his aeroplane.

O ye thirsty of every tribe

Get your ticket for an aeroplane ride,

Jesus our Saviour is a-coming to reign

And take you up to glory in his aeroplane.

In blessed hope,


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