Women and children collecting safe drinking water from a newly constructed water pump in White Nile State – Photo courtesy of Sudan CAFOD
CAFOD launches emergency appeal for Sudan crisis

CAFOD has launched an emergency appeal to support families in Sudan, as Britain’s ambassador to the United Nations says the country is in the grip of the world’s worst hunger and displacement crisis.

With more than eight million people having fled their homes to escape violence, after fighting erupted a year ago between government forces and paramilitaries, and with 25 million in urgent need of humanitarian help, CAFOD says there is a short window to act before the growing season in Sudan starts in June, as fears grow of an impending – yet preventable – famine.

Jo Kitterick, CAFOD’s director of participation, said: “Many aid agencies exited Sudan when the current fighting erupted a year ago.
“Right now Catholic agencies in the Caritas network that CAFOD is part of, supported by the Church of Sudan, are some of the only organisations able to deliver aid to support the Sudanese people.
“The communities we serve in Sudan have issued a desperate cry for help and we are inviting the Catholic community to stand alongside us and the local Sudanese organisations we fund in responding to their call.”

CAFOD has been working alongside communities in Sudan for more than 50 years. Donations made to its Sudan crisis appeal – whether online or via collections in parishes this weekend – will go towards supporting families in Sudan and surrounding countries, who are already contending with extreme hunger, as communities strive to stop the crisis becoming the worst in living memory.

The UK’s permanent representative to the United Nations Barbara Woodward told the UN Security Council that while Sudan is in the grip of the world’s worst hunger and displacement crisis, “it is not too late for Sudan to return from the brink”.
She urged the warring parties to engage in political negotiations to bring about peace, and for greater access to humanitarian access to reach those most in need. 

Donations can be made at cafod.org.uk/SudanAppeal.

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