Mary Ward inspires Albanian women

The 400th anniversary of Mary Ward is the focus of a three year project by Loreto Albania called ‘A woman’s right in Albania for freedom, justice, and to speak her truth’.

Life can be very hard for most Albanian women. They are very much subject to their men. Teenage girls are expected to marry a man chosen by their father. Many of the married women are physically abused by their husbands. They have very little freedom to control aspects of their lives. If they earn money, the men confiscate it. Most of the hard work in the fields and open air is done by the women. Many of the men spend a great deal of time chatting, smoking, and drinking coffee.

Even in the capital, Tirana, women who have jobs in offices and shops and have some great degree of control in their lives, are nevertheless very much under the thumb of their menfolk. The situation is more acute in the rural areas.

Empowering women

So this three year project, led and inspired by Sister Imelda Poole IBVM (Loreto) who worked for many years in grassroots ministry on Teesside, is geared to empowering groups of women from both rural and suburban areas, who are marginalised. Both this project and the Roma project are in partnership with an Albanian organization called SHKEJ (Education for Life for Street Children).

This first year, which ends in March 2010, has focused on a research study to identify the needs the women themselves identify. The work has started with existing groups, and new groups, of women in 17 different regions of Albania, who want to change their circumstances. Some are very skilled in making decorative woven fabric. They are eager for education and training in how to turn their skills into small business enterprises.

A research questionnaire has been drafted in consultation with some of them, to identify their present situation and future hopes. They have been very energised by this, and emotionally committed to the project. Their responses are now being collated and analysed.

A documentary film is being made to highlight their situation, and the possibilities for change. As Sister Imelda has visited the groups with the Albanian staff appointed to work in this project, she has found they have grown in self-confidence. They have been able to articulate their thoughts and feelings very well.

Confidence building

What is so important is that they have come to realise that their experience of subjugation, and physical abuse at the hands of their menfolk is something they  have the confidence and power to change.  They are enthused about the project. Two booklets are now being translated into the Albania language, Shqip. One is a small selection of the writings of Mary Ward. The other is a brief account of Mary Ward’s life, as an inspiration and example to them.

The second year of the project will be launched next March. This will include training in business skills, in partnership with other agencies, such as Opportunity Albania an American funded non-government agency. Women are beginning to lead the way in social projects. They need training to help them make the changes they desire. To be able to do so, they need to become economically independent. The third year will see the project working in 17 regions in Albania.

When I was at a meeting in which Sister Imelda sought the co-operation of Opportunity Albania, she was asked: Why not train the men first? Her reply was that they would only become stronger and tighten their control of their women. The Loreto project is to equalise the power, train and develop the women, so they can take control as organisers and entrepreneurs.

The women will need loans to help them develop their businesses, and the project will seek to help them obtain these. In all this work the aim is to empower the human being to become the person that they deeply desire to become. We need to hold on to our dreams wherever we live.

Michael Wright
The funding required to maintain these three projects of the English Province of IBVM (Loreto) is £100,000 a year. Donations can be sent to:

The Loreto Albania Donation Account
Sister Jacinta Davenport IBVM(Loreto)
Loreto Community,  28 Hartley Road
Altrincham, Cheshire. WA14 4AY
0161 928 1440

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