Jul, 2010
Reflecting on Learning to Listen

Sometimes when I write enthusiastically about Adult Formation events, it might sound like I’m blowing my own trumpet! However, I want to share some reflections about a recent course which Caroline Dollard and I tutored at Easingwold – but reflecting on it by giving rightful praise to the course material and the participants, and by using their own words of evaluation.

photo of Jane and Caroline with some of the 'Learning to Listen' Group at Easingwold

The course was ‘Learning to Listen‘ – a four session introduction to better listening skills developed by the Acorn Christian Foundation. It is highly regarded as offering a proven, safe, and accessible means to improve the quality of personal, parish or community relationships. The material is excellent and the course is put together very sympathetically and skilfully.

Both Caroline and I are qualified tutors and can offer this course to any parish or group at a time and place of your convenience. It’s especially suitable for people engaged in visiting the sick or housebound or bereaved, and for Welcomers, Catechists and all who interface with visitors to the school or parish.

We were delighted that St John’s Parish at Easingwold took up the offer and invited us to work with a group of six parishioners. Their enthusiasm, compassion and dedication were a delight to behold.

I’ll let their reflections summarise the experience –

  • ‘Content excellent, thought-provoking, and pitched at the right level’
  • ‘Life-changing – as you become more aware of yourself and change your way of listening to help others better’
  • ‘Teaches listening tools that can be used on a daily basis and are empowering’
  • ‘As you build up the layers it becomes an extremely useful tool for life’
  • ‘Excellent build up through the four weeks, never a big jump, very well structured’

I was delighted and humbled that someone described the course as ‘life-changing’, for that was also my own experience when I first encountered ‘Learning to Listen’. If you think your own parish or group would like further information, please get in touch with Caroline Dollard or Jane Cook on (01642) 850505. But please be aware – ‘Learning to Listen’ really could change your life too!

Jane Cook, Adult Formation Adviser

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