Joyful Hope
Over the last couple of months I have passed through a rainbow of emotions – from the darker hues of apprehension and genuine fear to the brighter colours of joy, happiness and exhilaration. I am so grateful to all those who have walked with me through all this: the whole community of Ushaw; brother priests, brothers and sisters in the dioceses and parishes in which I have served and lived throughout the years in Salford, Kisumu, Valladolid, Hexham and Newcastle and now the diocese of Middlesbrough, my new home. I have experienced so much goodness, so much prayerful support, and so much love. I am truly grateful and will never be able to repay this – but that is part of the mystery of the Christian life, isn’t it? – gifts freely given, freely bestowed; grace upon grace. Thank you.
I have received so many letters of congratulation and promises of prayer from parishes, convents, communities and individuals. One thing that has become obvious is that I am welcome among you. Thank you. In my thirty two years of priesthood I have learned over and over again that our God is the God of welcome – welcome and hospitality are next to godliness.
It has also been made clear that people have quite high expectations of my ministry. That is partly from where my fear and apprehension come. However, as we believe that it is the Lord who is calling us to this task, we also believe that he will give us the wherewithal with which to do it. The only way any of us can proceed in our complicated and sometimes shadowy world is with the beacon of hope to guide us. The latter part of my ministry has been strengthened and supported by the knowledge that the Lord has always guided me and walked with me through the good and the bad, the highs and lows, the joys and the sorrows, the peace and the turmoil. This has been my most genuine and profound experience of his action and presence in my life. It is precisely because of this personal knowledge that I can confidently hope that he will continue to do this now and in the future.
Beatam Spem – Joyful Hope; this has been my personal motto for quite a number of years now. It is the motto that I would like to take for my ministry here in this diocese of Middlesbrough. It is in this spirit of Joyful Hope that I come to you.
While I appreciate all the congratulations and, with as much humility that I can summon, I understand the expectations, at the same time, lest you be disappointed, I point you in the direction of the words of one of my favourite hymns. Here you will find the money-back-guarantee you are looking for. Here you will find the unbreakable promise, the certain word, foundations on which you can securely build:
All my hope on God is founded;
he doth still my trust renew.
Me through change and chance he guideth,
only good and only true.
God unknown, he alone,
calls my heart to be his own.Still from earth to God eternal
sacrifice of praise be done,
high above all praises praising
for the gift of Christ his Son.
Christ doth call one and all;
ye who follow shall not fall.
He is my hope, He is our hope. So let us begin our journey together as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of Him who is our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
God bless and thank you.
Bishop Terence Drainey, 25th January 2008