Nov, 2010
International Meditatio Seminar

Regents College, Regents Park, London

7 December 2010

(Teaching of Christian Meditation in Schools)

This approach to contemplative prayer is based on the tradition the Desert Fathers handed down and passed on more recently by John Main and The World Community for Christian Meditation.

Two of main presenters at the Meditatio Seminar will be the Directors of the Catholic Education in the Diocese of Townsville in Queensland Australia. They realised that meditation is best learnt at an early age when a child is still in touch with his or her natural capacity for contemplation. With the support of their Bishop Michael Putney they successfully piloted the programme and with ongoing formation of teachers, meditation is now part of the daily life of eleven thousand children in the diocese. Many other dioceses and schools around the world have also discovered how children can and like to meditate and the benefits are obvious to teachers and parents as well as children themselves. We address many aspects of this experience including the challenge of pluralism and multi-faith classes.

You are no doubt aware that many UK schools, secular and faith based, have instituted programmes of ‘Mindfulness‘, ‘Reflections‘, or ‘Quiet Time‘ but these can lack sense of being an experience of prayer. The natural benefits of silence and meditation are well proven today but we feel it is important the church is active in teaching is as a spiritual path grounded in faith.

Regional Seminars are;

  • Monday 13 December – Milton Keynes
  • Tuesday 14 December – Brentwood
  • Wednesday 15 December – Birmingham

To register of further information please contact:

Briji Waterford on 07980 58 13 51 or email meditation@wccm.org

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