Dec, 2010
CoAct – Action in the Community

CoAct is a project of the Christian Police Association aimed at reaching out and building bridges between Christian communities and the Police across the United Kingdom.

The Christian Police Association wants to encourage prayerful and practical involvement in local policing, aiming to:

  • build bridges between the police and the local Christian faith community
  • build prayerful and practical involvement in local policing issues that are of direct relevance to Christian groups, and the communities they serve
  • build stronger, safer neighbourhoods to help transform communities.

There are seven themed areas to CoAct and you can find out more by visiting the CoAct website (www.coact.org.uk) or requesting further information from the CPA.

Pray for your police

Prayer is key, powerful and changes things and we are asking God to intervene in our communities. Prayer under girds action and forms part of an holistic Christian response to crime reduction. Individuals and churches in neighbourhoods can pray for specific officers, staff and teams at their local police station, as well as places and issues, and so offer that prayerful support.

Work for your police

Working for the police can be rewarding and exciting.

Is this something you have considered that God might be calling you to do?

There are many ways you can do this, eg by becoming a Police Officer, member of Police Staff, Special Constable, Police Community Support Officer (PCSO), Lay Visitor, Police Volunteer, etc. Why not check it out at www.policecouldyou.co.uk.

Work alongside your police

There are many ways to work alongside your police and make a positive impact in your community and you can find out more information from the website. Groups such as Street Pastors, Street Angels, Care for the Family and Victim Support all play their part.

Watch and listen for your police

Neighbourhood Watch and other like schemes help prevent crime, build community spirit and you’ll get to know your neighbours.

Active Listening Support Team (ALST) is a confidential listening service and police charity that was initiated in Northern Ireland, where church volunteers are contacted by the police in an area to visit vulnerable people.

Missing Persons – if your local police authority has this system (RSS feeds), information can be put on church websites, encouraging you to pray for current appeals, news and missing persons.

Talk to your police

Report crimes and provide information directly or through Crimestoppers.

Thank your police and preferably in writing. Police officers face critical scrutiny of their work every day, and need to be encouraged and affirmed. You may be the one voice of encouragement they hear.

PACT meetings – attend your local Police and Communities Together meeting, contribute to the debate, and find out the priorities in your area. This will inform your prayers too.

Witnesses – be an active citizen and provide a written statement to the police in your witness something.

Find out the needs of your communities by approaching your Neighbourhood Policing Teams.

Hospitality for your police

There are many ways to provide hospitality. Have you considered:

  • Church buildings being used to host community meetings, youth work, havens, PACT meetings, police neighbourhood surgeries, etc?
  • Church-/centre-based youth work? Can the police advertise your group to local young people?
  • Working with the vulnerable? Can you provide a place of security and friendship to the elderly, homeless, etc?
  • Resources? Can you provide office or storage s pace to officers or local organisations involved in crime and disorder reduction?
  • Provision for local officers? Can you provide designated tea stop and hospitality for officers on patrol so that they can interact with your members?

Preventing trouble with your police

There are many ways to help prevent trouble. Below are just a few for you to consider.

  • Preventing Terrorism by supporting other faith groups and organisations in their efforts to prevent the radicalisation of vulnerable members of our communities.
  • Providing a network of care to ex-offenders coming out of prison or those still in prison.
  • Urban and detached youth work – meeting with young people on the streets and developing relationships.
  • Uniformed groups – can you initiate or support groups such as Scouts and Guides?
  • Working with refugees – can you offer support, advice and resources to those on the margins?
  • Domestic violence counselling – can your church support and counsel the victims of domestic abuse, depression, sexual abuse or bereavement?

For further information on any of the areas covered, go to the CoAct website www.coact.org.uk or contact

Christian Police Association, Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7PH

Tel (01234) 272865
E-mail info@CPAuk.net

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