Priests’ Training Fund Box Appeal 2011

A Message from the Director of Vocations

My first words have to be a huge ‘Thank You’ to all those priests who have wholeheartedly taken on board this important fundraising initiative within their parishes and I am confident I can count on their continued support.

I especially want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the good and generous people in our parishes throughout the Diocese who have taken boxes, committed themselves to monthly standing orders or have given a one-off donation towards this worthy cause. Our aim is to encourage young and not so young men to discern the Lord’s plan for them in priesthood. It is a long and sometimes arduous journey in faith and they need all our prayers, support and encouragement.

The financial implications of what will take them a minimum of six years to complete is not something they need to worry about, that’s our responsibility as the Diocese they will serve. If you haven’t got a PTF Appeal box, there are some in your parish; for some people, the easier way to give is via a standing order and there are forms for that too. Any problems, contact Kath Gallagher at the Vocations Office ((01642) 850505 ext 258 or e-mail, she will be more than happy to help.

I promised to keep you informed of the progress being made, so this is where we stand after the first seven months (May-December 2010)

Received by individual standing orders 1,725.00

Received by cash/cheque donations 34,569.46

Total received £36,294.46

As a result of the Gift Aid Scheme so far 8,467.68

Total income received £44,762.52

We are expecting a further sum of approximately £500.00 from outstanding gift aid claims.

This means we have already covered the cost of one student for two years in seminary training – it’s a great start but the momentum needs to continue and build over the coming months and years. I end the way I started with gratitude for your support, understanding and care for your priests.

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