Mar, 2011
The Gift Aid Scheme – Questions and Answers
  1. Do you already make gifts to your parish using the Gift Aid Scheme? YES/NO
    If YES, please do not go any further. Thank you for your generous contributions. If NO, please continue.
  2. Do you realise that it is possible to increase the value of any gift you make to your parish, at no extra cost to yourself, by 25%? YES/NO
  3. How do I go about increasing the value of my gift?
    By completing a Gift Aid Declaration form.
  4. Can anyone complete a Gift Aid Declaration form?
    No, only a UK taxpayer who pays sufficient tax on his/her income/gains to cover whatever repayment of tax is obtained by the Diocese of Middlesbrough on the gifts you make during a particular tax year.
  5. How do I acquire the form?
    Please download and complete the enquiry form and hand it to your Parish Priest. He will then arrange for his Gift Aid Organiser to forward to you a blank Gift Aid Declaration for your completion.
  6. What information do I need to record on the Gift Aid Declaration form?
    Your name and home postal address.
  7. What is the next step?
    Once you have completed a Gift Aid Declaration, please return it to your Parish Gift Aid Organiser and he/she will hand back to you the blue coloured copy in an identically coloured wallet, for your retention.
  8. Does anyone in the parish or the Diocesan Gift Aid Office know anything about my personal tax affairs?
  9. How do I make my Gift Aid payments to the parish?
    If you wish to make your gifts either by cash or cheque, you will be given a batch of uniquely numbered envelopes. If, however, you wish to make payments by Standing Order, you will be given the requisite standing order mandate to complete.
  10. Do I get involved in the actual process of claiming a repayment of tax, on the value of my gifts, from HM Revenue and Customs?
    The Diocesan Gift Aid Office, with the assistance of your Parish Gift Aid Organiser, prepares the claim for a repayment of tax and forwards that claim to HM Revenue and Customs.
  11. Can I stop making payments to my parish under the Gift Aid Scheme?
    Yes. If you decide to do so, please inform your Parish Gift Aid Organiser to this effect. He/she will then remove your details from the parish Gift Aid records.

If you wish to take up the option to complete a Gift Aid Declaration, please complete the enquiry slip below and hand to your Parish Priest. We will do the rest.






I am interested in making a Gift Aid Declaration in respect of:

All donations to my parish ) mark with a tick as appropriate
A single donation to my parish )

I will require a set of envelopes/a bank standing order form (delete as appropriate)

Should you have any queries regarding the contents of this document, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Diocesan Gift Aid and Legacy Promotions Officer at the Curial Office – telephone number (01642) 850505, extension number 234. Alternatively, e-mail address is giftaid.legacy@dioceseofmiddlesbrough.co.uk

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