Mar, 2011
St Charles ‘Drop In’ Annual Report

This has been another very busy year – numbers vary widely but the average is 35 per session – not many women, most men are over 30, a few quite elderly. A small number are on the streets, others are homeless in the sense they drift from friend to friend, but have no home. Many live in hostels and have to find somewhere to go during daytime – a number find St Charles a safe place and have been coming to us for years. Recently, there have been some Eastern European migrants attending.

There have been 33 volunteers in 2010, drawn from parishes across the city and the East Riding, and on most Tuesdays, St Mary’s College students come and help – this outreach work was commended in their recent OFSTED. Recently, more men have volunteered so organising a rota is easier.

We are very grateful to our many donors. No money is received from any statutory agency. We are helped by a very good outreach worked from HARP who advises on housing matters and until cutbacks, Compass provided help on addiction issues

Fortunately, the kitchen and toilets have been refurbished and the Centre is now looking very smart, and this has been much appreciated by all users. We try to make every effort to be good neighbour, so our clients now use the little backyard as a smoking area rather than Charles Street.

What do we need?
  • Tins of soup, baked beans, tomatoes, etc
  • Biscuits, tea, coffee, squash
  • Clothing, especially tee and sweat shirts, tops, fleeces, jackets, etc
  • Bedding
  • Boots, shoes
What do we provide?

Always – tea, coffee, squash, soup and bread/toast, toppings, biscuits
Often – a ‘special’ like beans on toast, pizza, fresh fruit

We open at 10.00 am and close at 12 noon every Tuesday and Friday. The Vineyard Church complements our work. Volunteers serve, wash up, sort clothes, keep the register, etc.

Is the ‘Drop In’ still needed? Unfortunately, there are still people even in this bad winter sleeping in shop doorways and with cuts coming, we think we will get busier. So many, many thanks for your help and support.

‘Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it’ (Hebrews 13:1-2).

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