Mar, 2011
Lourdes 2012 – An Exciting Challenge

We haven’t even made our Pilgrimage to Lourdes for 2011 yet but planning for 2012 is large in our minds. I would like to share our plans with you all as quickly as possible, so that we can all begin to prepare for what will be a Pilgrimage with a difference for us all.

photo of young and not so young pilgrims in Lourdes

The 2012 Pilgrimage – With Bernadette, Praying the Hail Mary – will take place from 1st-8th June, a week later than usual. We will not be using any of the hospital accommodation in Lourdes for our sick and less able Pilgrims. Instead, the whole Pilgrimage will make use of hotel accommodation.

Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate her Diamond Jubilee in 2012, the traditional Spring Bank Holiday has had an extra day added to it and is pushed back into the first week in June. This has an impact for almost everyone who will join the Pilgrimage, but particularly our schools and colleges.

We have taken the decision to move the Pilgrimage by one week to enable all of our school and college groups to be with us. They are a vital part of the care of our VIP Pilgrims. The Pilgrimage doesn’t work without them.

Caring for the sick and less able of the Pilgrimage in a new setting will be a challenge for all concerned but our focus, as always, will be providing excellent care for those who require it the most.

In the meantime, the 2011 Pilgrimage – With Bernadette, Praying the Our Father – will take place on 27th May – 3rd June. I look forward to meeting you all there. Please keep the Lourdes Pilgrimage in your prayers.

Should anyone require more information about the Pilgrimage in general or the 2012 Pilgrimage in particular, please call me on (01642) 814564.

Fr Paul Farrer

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