May, 2011
Thanks for all the Lent activities

My new role has begun in earnest and there is lots to keep me on my toes in the months ahead but before I dive into that, I would like to send a sincere message of thanks to everyone in the Diocese who contributed in any way to Lent Fast Day and to the many people who organised extra activities in their parishes during Lent. Read about some of them on our blog: www.cafod.org.uk/uk/middlesbrough

Lent was a particularly special time, as our own Bishop Terry had been to meet Amparo in Colombia with CAFOD’s Director, Chris Bain, and Francis McDonagh, the Manager of CAFOD’s Andes Programme. Bishop Terry very kindly wrote a personal note of thanks which is being sent in response to all who have sent in their Lent Fast Day donations. It was very interesting to read the account of his visit in the last edition.

Staying with a Colombian theme, we will be welcoming Mgr Héctor Fabio Henae, who is the Director of the Colombian Bishops Social Programme, and two community activists, along with Francis McDonagh to Middlesbrough from 4th–6th June. Mgr Henae will be joining Bishop Terry to concelebrate at the Cathedral on 5th June at 10.30 am and also visiting Middlesbrough parishes over the weekend.

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