Jun, 2011
Hull and District Catholic Women’s Luncheon Club AGM

The Hull and District Catholic Women’s Luncheon Club held their AGM on Tuesday 10th May when Mrs Evelyn Hutton retired as President.

photo of Mrs Hutton and Mrs Elvin

Each year, the members raise money for a charity chosen by the President and this year, Mrs Hutton was able to present Mrs Janet Doyle, one of our members and also Treasurer of Emmaus Hull, with a cheque for £500.00 raised by various events.

After the presentation, Mrs Hutton invested the incoming President, Mrs Barbara Elvin, with the chain of office. It is pleasing to welcome Mrs Elvin’s term of office as she is a resident of Hornsea – perhaps this will encourage more women from the outlying parishes to join us.

The Club once had a reputation for hats and blue rinses but that was long ago. We do still meet on the second Tuesday of each month to enjoy lunch together, listen to speakers and plan charity events and outings. If you would like to know more, contact either Mrs Elvin on (01964) 532571 or Mrs Flood on (01482) 857253.

Margaret Flood, Secretary

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