Feb, 2012
Christian Action for Climate Change – Online Survey


In the January edition of the Voice, we included information on a significant event at York Minster on Saturday 21st April. We now include the link to the online questionnaire which we would like you to encourage everyone to complete. Results will be collated and announced at the York Minster event.

Archbishop John Sentamu and Bishop Terry Drainey will preside over the Minster event on the morning of 21st April and then on the afternoon, a series of workshops will be held at York St John College. In addition, a Government representative and senior representatives from national charities (Christian Aid, CAFOD, etc) will also be present. For more information, visit our website; www.CConCC.wikispaces.com, or please contact Emma Casson, Administrator for the Christian Census on Climate Change, tel 0787 937 2999, e-mail CConClimateChange@gmail.com

Please support this vital initiative. This is an opportunity for Christians from all denominations to take action and raise concerns about a major challenge facing our planet. As custodians of God’s Creation, we can make a difference for the Common Good.

John Hinman
Chair of Ecumenical Working Party

Survey available here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CConClimateChange

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