Jun, 2012
HCPT Lourdes Pilgrimage

This was no ordinary Easter Saturday, HCPT Group 122 from York are waiting in the frigid air for the coach to arrive. The group, made up of children and helper volunteers, are eagerly awaiting the week ahead. Lourdes is the destination, specifically Bernadette’s Grotto carved into the rock underneath the Basilica. HCPT – the Pilgrimage Trust, takes disadvantaged and disabled children every year to Lourdes, giving a much needed opportunity for the young people; for some, this is their first time away from home. The opportunity to experience new surroundings and meet new people is a real blessing. It always amazes me how those who are initially quiet come singing and dancing out of their shells by the end of the week.

The seven days were spent primarily with the group but on a few special occasions, the entire trust of 5,000 would gather together. The sense of community and belonging at these times was truly overwhelming, reflected in the beaming faces of the children and helpers alike. One of these was the torchlight procession which, despite the rain, was a majestic sight. I felt privileged just to take part. During the week we visited Gavarnie in the Pyrenees and because of the snowfall; we were forced to take shelter in a pub. I’m sure not many can claim to having celebrated Mass in a pub but that was a definite highlight. The pinnacle of the week was the Trust Mass – everyone painted their faces and celebrated Mass Lourdes style: full of laughter, fun and acceptance. Simply the greatest week of the year, Lourdes really is an incredible place. Bring on Lourdes 2013!

Andrew Scriven, Bexy Burton and Eleanor Holford, Students at All Saints School, York

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