Thoughts of a Year 6 pupil

Football is like life. Playing a game of football makes all the crowd (saints) cheer. Playing a game badly or being taken off the pitch means your time is up in living a game of football.

Our game will end some day and we will be taken to the crowd as saints to cheer other players on.

Right now my Nanna and Grandad are in that crowd cheering and they are shouting ‘Come on, don’t give up!’ They encourage me.

Maybe someone in your life, who is in the crowd, is cheering you on.

I always try my hardest in my game of life. When players are tired, they always know what is right and will make the right decisions. If we play foul and get sent off, we will always have another chance to put things right whilst in God’s hands. He will forgive if any mistakes are made.

Play your game of football well and don’t forget that when your time is over, go into the crowd and cheer your loved ones on.

Dana Beadle
St Mary Queen of Martyrs RC Primary School, Hull

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