A Pleasant Surprise in York

If you have never been in the St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, you’re in for a pleasant surprise.
Five minutes’ walk from York rail and bus station, the Centre aims to provide a warm welcome and a place of quiet refreshment, spiritual replenishment and support for people of all faiths and none.

The Centre opened in 1987 as the initiative of the Benedictine monks of Ampleforth Abbey, Bishop John Crowley of Middlesbrough and the sisters of the Congregation of Jesus (formerly the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary). A small community of monks took up residence in St Bede’s, establishing it as a place of welcome, friendly hospitality and spiritual support for all who came. When they had to withdraw in 1994 to take on other work in Yorkshire the support of the ‘Friends of St Bede’s’ encouraged the sisters to continue this work under their own administration. Today St Bede’s serves not only the people of York city but far beyond. To the Benedictine ethos of Christian hospitality and acceptance of all people the CJ sisters have added their own knowledge and practice of the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola and his teachings on prayer enshrined in his Spiritual Exercises.

More recently the energy, enthusiasm and initiative of the two lay Administrators and evening receptionists together with the CJ community have done much to ensure that the ecumenical aspect of the centre continues to flourish.

St Bede’s Mission Statement

The aim at St Bede’s is to provide an environment where:

  • People of all faiths, and none may find peace and welcome
  • Faith may be fostered and welcomed
  • Justice and reconciliation may be worked for

St Bede’s provides hospitality, welcome and peace to all those who come – and also provides a place apart for those who want to explore and deepen their spirituality.
The main work of the centre is to run regular programmes of spirituality. The aim of this is twofold: firstly, to provide talks, workshops and quiet days run by a wide variety of speakers from different denominations and faiths; secondly to foster Ignatian spirituality through occasional retreats, spiritual direction and courses for all who are interested. There is also a two year course based on Ignatian spirituality to help deepen faith and to underpin any further training in spiritual direction that people might want.

The centre is housed in a beautiful Georgian building, close to the city centre of York and is part of the Bar Convent complex which includes a museum showing a pilgrimage through the history of Christianity in the North of England placing the Bar Convent in its context; a café, which is open to the general public, its own conference and bed & breakfast facilities, a gift shop and St Joseph’s, where the older members of the community are well cared for by professional nursing and care staff.

Anyone is welcome to call in without having to have a reason; there are posters, flyers and brochures on display inside, together with a collection of greeting cards that are for sale, made by Sr Cecilia Goodman CJ who is a professional photographer and also the director of the Centre. The staff are always happy to see a new face and offer a warm welcome.

To receive regular updates on events at St Bede’s or to contact the centre:

Post: 21 Blossom Street, York YO24 1AQ

Telephone: 01904 464900

Email: admin@stbedes.org.uk

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