Feb, 2011
A successful collaborative Advent project

During the mid-November meeting of the fledgling parish council of St Bede’s parish in Marske, it was agreed that we should (belatedly) launch an Advent project to raise £750.00 to donate to CAFOD to provide a water supply for a needy community. It was felt that this would be a marvellous way for our parish community to celebrate the true joy of Christmas. When news of the project reached our neighbours at St Alban’s parish in Redcar, via our parish priest, Mgr Dasey, who is currently administering at St Alban’s in addition to his other duties, St Alban’s parishioners decided to offer their support; their willing commitment was both welcome and heart-warming.

photo of St Bede's, Marske parishioners with David Cross of CAFOD

Between the two parishes we actually raised £850.00, which was enough to pay for a new water supply and to purchase two bicycles to help community workers to access people living in remote areas.

To help us understand the very real benefits that can come from the provision of a new water supply, David told us of his visit to a village in Mozambique, during which he asked what difference the well, that they had recently received via CAFOD, had made to the village. As one of the villagers explained to him, having first looked askance at such a ‘silly’ question, the children are now able to attend the little village school because they don’t have to embark on a round trip of 10 miles at 6.00 am each morning in order to help their mothers collect water. There is less sickness in the village and the surrounding fields are no longer red with dust but are full of healthy, green crops. In addition, a lot of the mothers, and some fathers, are also attending the schoolroom as they start to see some of the advantages that can come from education. What a thought-provoking list!

I speak for all those present when I say that we were both surprised and humbled at what we heard, as well as being thankful that we had taken the opportunity to provide CAFOD with the funds to bring this wonderful gift of life to another community. Grateful and heartfelt thanks go out to all whose support for the project enabled us to provide these lasting gifts to our needy brothers and sisters. May God be with you!

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