Liturgy and Catechesis for The Sacraments

This is my body, which is given for you: do this in memory of me

Luke 22:19

L1 An Introduction to the Mass

One session
Father Gerard Robinson

L2 The Mass – Beyond the Basics

Four sessions
Father Gerard Robinson

L3 ”With Hearts and Minds”

Six session course
Reflections on our participation in the Mass
Kit and Caroline Dollard

L4 Scripture and Liturgy

One session
Using Scripture in Liturgy
Kit and Caroline Dollard

L5 Liturgy in School and with Young People

One session
Ideas for preparing and presenting interesting liturgies for youth, both in and out of school

L6 The Sacraments

One session
An introduction to the nature and purpose of the Sacraments
Father Michael Marsden or Father Peter Mulholland

L7 The Sacraments – Beyond the Basics

Four sessions
Deeper examination of the seven sacraments – how does each Sacrament work in bringing God’s grace?
Father Michael Marsden or Father Peter Mulholland

L8 Lay-led Liturgies

One session
Services of The Word and of The Word and Holy Communion
Kit and Caroline Dollard

L9 Taking Holy Communion to the Sick

One session
Spiritual and practical formation for this ministry
Kit and Caroline Dollard

L10 Children’s Liturgy of the Word

One session
A practical workshop for those thinking of starting a CLOW group in the Parish
Kit and Caroline Dollard

L11 Preparing a Baptism Course

One session
Ideas and resources for Catechists working with parents seeking Baptism for their children
Father John Lumley and Rev Vincent Purcell

L12 Preparing a First Reconciliation Course

One session
Ideas and resources for Catechists working with children and their parents preparing for First Reconciliation
Father John Lumley and Vincent Purcell

L13 Preparing a First Holy Communion Course

One session
Ideas and resources for Catechists working with children and their parents preparing for First Communion
Father John Lumley and Vincent Purcell

L14 Preparing a Confirmation Course

One session
Ideas and resources for Catechists working with teenagers preparing for Confirmation
Father John Lumley and Vincent Purcell

L15 ”What an Honour!”

One session
Ongoing spiritual formation for Ministers of the Word
Rev Vincent Purcell

L16 ”What a Privilege!”

One session
Ongoing spiritual formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Rev Vincent Purcell