Diocese of Middlesbrough

Serving North & East Yorkshire

2025 is a Jubilee Year for the Church


Latest news from around the diocese and beyond

Church Online

Many of our parishes live stream their Masses online. You can find a compilation of these parishes at this link:

Church Online

Many of our parishes live stream their Masses online. You can find a compilation of these parishes at this link:


Middlesbrough Diocese

We have been greatly blessed in this part of the world in so many ways. From the beautiful geography of the region, to the saints and martyrs who have given great witness. The great abbeys and religious foundations of history to our present day communities which in so many different ways give glory to God by their actions, approach and attitude to life. We have only to look around us to see something of the ‘thumbprint of God’ in our diocese.


On the go

Here are a few links to some of the amazing catholic resources that are available to anybody who has access to the internet.

Word on Fire

Bishop Robert Barron’s ‘Word on Fire’ online platform is constantly expanding its offerings. 

Saint Augustine Institute

The Saint Augustine Institute provides study courses as well as a whole range of online materials for growing and deepening of our understanding of the faith.


The Eternal Word Television Network. Many resources from ETWN.

Daily Mass Readings

The scripture passages of today’s Mass provided here on the diocesan site. A prayer to make a spiritual communion is also included for handy access.

Saint Anthony Communications

Some great content made available to watch for free covering a wide range of topics.

Cathechism of the Catholic Church

The whole of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is available on the Vatican website. 

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Patron of the Diocese of Middlesbrough

In this diocese we are blessed to be under the patronage of our heavenly mother as ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Help’. This icon shows her Divine Son in her arms and it is a constant reminder to us that we too are held secure in her arms even in times of trial. We ask her prayers for the whole world and in a particular way for our own diocese.

'It was through the “fiat” the “yes” of the Virgin Mary that the Incarnation took place. Mary is very much our model.....Through her faith, she disposed herself to allow the Word of God to become flesh in her.'

Bishop Terry Drainey – Bishop of Middlesbrough

'Our Lady [of Perpetual Succour] heard my prayer and vouchsafed me a miraculous cure of......which has.....caused me much trouble and suffering, and has been a sad drawback to me in my work. The cure was instantaneous and complete.'

Bishop Richard Lacy – 1st Bishop of Middlesbrough

‘It is my prayer.....that devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, in this church and elsewhere, may continue.....showing to many the limitless mercy of God for us all, His little ones, and made manifest in Jesus Christ our Lord.’

Cardinal Vincent Nichols – Archbishop of Westminster

‘Make her known to the whole world!'

Pope Pius IX


What is your calling?


If you wish to find out more about pursuing a potential vocation to the priesthood, the permanent deaconate or religious life, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our vocations director Canon Alan Sheridan:

Title Address Description
Diocesan Curial Offices
50a The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough TS5 6QT, UK

50a The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS5 6QT

Saint Mary's Cathedral
Cathedral House, Dalby Way, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough TS8 0TW, UK

Dalby Way, Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough.

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