Christ has no body now on earth but yours; yours are the only hands with which he can do his work…
Teresa of Avila
P1 Setting up a Parish (Pastoral) Council
One session
Working with an existing or embryonic group to explore the issues that need to be addressed in establishing a PPC in our parishes (may lead to a further 3 sessions)
Kit Dollard
P2 Revisioning a Parish (Pastoral) Council
One session
All organizations have a natural life-cycle. This workshop will explore how existing PPC’S can be refreshed, re-energised and re-focused for the task
Kit and Caroline Dollard
P3 A Welcoming Community?
One session
The important parish ministry of welcome and hospitality
Jane Cook
P4 ‘Home is a Holy Place’
One session
Seeing, knowing and responding to God’s presence in our home and family
Jane Cook
P5 How to lead Adult Groups
One session
Examination of the skills, qualities and techniques required
Kit Dollard
P6 Working with Young People in the Parish
One session
Ideas and guidance for working with young people in individual parishes
P7 ‘Are you listening?’
One session
An introduction to listening skills to invigorate pastoral care
Rev Vincent Purcell
P8 Pastoral Care of Migrant Workers
One session
How the parish might join forces with other Christians, the Local Authority and other agencies to support migrant workers (especially Central and Eastern European)
Father Tim Bywater
P9 Introduction to Myers-Briggs (MBTI)
A full day (Because of the cost of materials there is a charge of £15 per head)
MTBI is one of the oldest, widely used and most respected instruments for self-awareness. It will help to explore how one gathers information and makes decisions. It will reveal how participants focus their attention and prefer to live their life, and help improve communication and understanding of conflict in relationships
Kit Dollard
P10 “Death – A Friendly Companion”
Three sessions
A gentle pastoral and practical approach to bereavement, death and funerals
Father Neil McNicholas
Contact us
Please feel free to use the contact form below to contact the Middlesbrough Diocesan Adult Formation Office.
Your message will be sent as an e-mail and we will respond as soon as we can.
If your message concerns a particular course please remember to quote the course number.
Many thanks.