Home Mission Sunday – 20th September 2015

Supporting the work of evangelisation in England and Wales Theme: PROCLAIM God’s Mercy Home Mission Sunday is celebrated today and is themed: PROCLAIM God’s Mercy. On this day we are encouraged to pray for the work of evangelisation in England and Wales, remembering...

September Article from Bishop Terry

The month of September is one of those major turning points in the calendar year. The nights draw in ever more quickly, the holiday season comes to an end and we find ourselves wondering where the summer went. September also brings many important beginnings. Pupils...

Bishop Terry's Article for August

The Holy Father’s Encyclical Letter entitled Laudato Si’ (the title of St Francis’ Canticle of Creation) – On the Care for Our Common Home, is addressed to all people of goodwill. In it he invites us to renew our attention to situations of environmental degradation...

Day for Life – 26 July 2015

The day in the Church’s year dedicated to celebrating the dignity of life and praying for the protection of human life.   This year we look at how to cherish life while we can and accept death when it comes. www.dayforlife.org There will be a mandatory second...

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