St Charles ‘Drop In’ Report

Thank you to all who help – as volunteers or donors. Especial thanks to the parishes and individuals who have been most generous, to St Charles Parish for paying the energy bills and the SVP for covering any deficit, to St Mary’s College for the huge...

Father Dan: the story of an imperfect priest

Anthea Dove’s new book – unusually, a novel – is a thought-provoking, moving story of a priest whose day-to-day life presents him with many situations which affect us in our lives. In the very first chapter, we meet the apprehensive curate, the...

‘Feed the Minds’ Book Sale

17th – 24th July, 10am to 5pm (3pm, Friday 24th) Every day except Sunday in the Guildhall, York Thousands of books in all categories ‘Feed the Minds’ is an ecumenical charity raising funds through the sale of second-hand books to promote literacy and...

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