Mission Earth – Our First Steps

Arriving at York Minster with the two Margarets (Margaret Blatchford and Margaret Hinman) before 8.00 am on 21st April, we were struck by the grandeur of the building when it is virtually empty. Other members of the working party were busy in York St John University...


I would like to say a special word of thanks to everyone who made a special effort and got very creative with their efforts to raise funds for CAFOD on Lent Fast Day and during the period of matched funding.  At the time of going to print, the total amount received...

What’s Blossoming at Ampleforth Abbey?

Ampleforth Abbey is introducing special tours of the Abbey orchard which will run on Thursdays throughout June. The Blossom and Apples Tour will give an insight into the history of the 2,000 tree orchard including the Ribston Pippin, the oldest variety grown at...

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