Apr, 2014
Bishop Dunn Memorial Lecture at Ushaw College

The annual Bishop Dunn Memorial Lecture will be held at Ushaw College at 7.00pm on Tuesday April 29th.

“A Vision for Excellence: Lay and Ordained Collaboration for a Well-Run Church.”  by Kerry Robinson

The speaker, Kerry Robinson, is Executive Director of the US National Leadership Roundtable for Church Management, an organisation established in the light of the sex abuse crisis by leaders in industry to put at the service of the Church the specialist skills of entrepreneurs, executives, management consultants, organisational experts and business leaders.  Kerry is also a family member and trustee of the Raskob Foundation.  A former scholar of Georgetown and Yale, Kerry’s activities have recently included working with the Roman Curia to help introduce leadership roles for women within the body of the Church. In this capacity she was part of a group of eight women who met recently with Pope Francis to discuss the implementation of their discernment.

There will be refreshments available for all from 6.30pm in the refectory; lecture at 7.00pm in the Main Lecture Theatre; a ticketed post-lecture reception in the Douai Room at 8.30pm.

This is a ticketed event.  Tickets need to be purchased in advance and cost £5 for lecture only; £15 for lecture and post-lecture reception.    Concessionary lecture only tickets are available for the unwaged and students, please contact Mike Canaris – michael.canaris@durham.ac.uk or call 0191 334 1656 –  for details.


To order tickets, please send a cheque made payable to ‘Durham University, Centre for Catholic Studies’ to Dr Canaris, Dept of Theology and Religion, Abbey House, Palace Green, DURHAM  DH1 3RS.

Transport can be provided from Durham Train Station and from Elvet Riverside to Ushaw College and return.  If you require transport please include a note when you book your ticket.

Click here for poster

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