Mar, 2015
Bishop Terry shares a message from the Pope

flame2As Bishop for Youth, Bishop Terry Drainey delivered a message from Pope Francis to 8000 young people gathered for the Flame2 youth event at Wembley Arena last weekend:

‘His Holiness Pope Francis presents His special greetings to all those persons who are participating in Flame2. Speaking to young people during his recent Apostolic Visit to the Philippines, the Holy Father affirmed: “God surprises us. Let us allow ourselves to be surprised by God. Let us not have the psychology of a computer, thinking that we know everything. What do I mean? Think for a moment. The computer has all the answers, never a surprise. In the challenge of love, God surprises us. Let yourselves be surprised by God: Don’t be afraid. True love makes your heart burn within you. Think of Saint Francis; he left everything, he died with empty hands, but, with a full heart. So, be wise; think well, feel well and act well. Let yourselves be surprised by God’s love, then go and set the world aflame with that love. I want to encourage you as Christian citizens to offer yourselves passionately and honestly to the great work of renewing your society and helping to build a better world. His Holiness imparts to all participants in Flame2 and their families and loved ones a special Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of abundant graces from Our Blessed Lord.’

For a full write up on the event, see the April edition of the Middlesbrough Catholic Voice.


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