Bishop Terry’s February 2022 Voice column

Most of us will know that February 11 is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. It is also, fittingly, the World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
Each year, the Holy Father sends a message out to all of us on this occasion. In his message he first of all reminds us that it was St John Paul II who inaugurated this event 30 years ago. The theme for this year’s message is “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful (Lk 6.36). Standing beside those who suffer on a path of charity.”
Pope Francis stresses that, “Mercy is God’s name par excellence; God’s mercy embraces both fatherhood and motherhood (cf Is 49:15). God cares for us with the strength of a father and the tenderness of a mother. The supreme witness of the Father’s merciful love for the sick is his only begotten Son. Jesus showed such great concern for the sick, so much so that he made it paramount in the mission of the apostles, who were sent by the Master to proclaim the Gospel and to heal the sick (cf. Lk 9:2).”
He draws attention to the present pandemic and thanks the care workers of the world for their “service alongside the sick, carried out with love and competence.”
He explains that, “Your hands can be a sign of the merciful hands of the Father. Be mindful of the great dignity of your profession.”
To read the rest of his message, you will find it on the Vatican website,
On the weekend of February 19 and 20, I ask that you remember our “retired” and sick priests.
Over the last few years there have been a number of our priests who, on reaching the age of 75, have stepped down from pastoral responsibility. Others have had to step down earlier because of ill health. 
I am sure that all of us would want to ensure that our priests are looked after and well cared for during their “retirement” and especially when they are sick or in any way debilitated.
In order to ensure that this happens, there will be a special collection for this purpose taken on the weekend of February 19 and 20. Please be as generous as you can.
No sooner is the month of February finished than we begin the season of Lent and our preparation for the celebration of Holy Week and Easter.
Ash Wednesday falls on March 2. As we prepare to live out more authentically our baptismal calling, we should also remember those who will receive the Sacraments of Initiation and enter into full membership of the Church at Easter.
They begin their official journey of Christian Initiation at the Rite of Election on March 6 at St Mary’s Cathedral, 3pm. I look forward with real joy to meeting them there. 

Yours in blessed hope,


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