Oct, 2019
Bishop Terry’s October 2019 Voice Column

October is normally a month for celebrations, but this year it is so more than ever. It is also a month of pilgrimage. On Tuesday October 8 at St Charles Borromeo in Hull we will celebrate a Mass for the Apostleship of the Sea. We will remember the great work that they do in all our ports, but especially on the Humber and Teesside. They care for seafarers, helping them to get in touch with their families. The fact of the matter is that many seafarers are away from their families for months on end and the members of the Apostleship of the Sea help to connect them digitally, at least, when they are in port. They are spiritually supported as well. It is a wonderful apostolate, one which all of us should support as best we can.

On Sunday October 13, Cardinal John Henry Newman will be proclaimed a saint of the Universal Church by Pope Francis. He is the only Englishman born after the Reformation so far to be canonised. His theological thought has influenced the Church across the continents, and his humble pastoral approach has inspired many. May he intercede for us all that our hearts will be set on fire anew as we reclaim our country as Mary’s Dowry.

Pope Francis has proclaimed the month of October this year as the Extraordinary Month of Mission. I hope that having introduced you to some of my spiritual “friends” over the last few months, you will hold this intention in your prayers. Pope Benedict XV in November 1919 wrote to the Universal Church, in the wake of the global conflict of the First World War, in order to give new impetus and an evangelical approach to missionary work in the world. He wanted to free it from colonialism and nationalistic overtones.

In promulgating this Extraordinary Missionary Month, Pope Francis said: “There must be no lessening of the impetus to preach the Gospel” to those who are far from Christ, “because this is the first task of the Church.” Indeed, “today missionary activity still represents the greatest challenge for the Church” and “the missionary task must remain foremost.” We will celebrate a special Mass at the Cathedral on Thursday October 17 at 7pm. It would be good to see as many of the diocese there as possible, especially those who are in any way connected to Missio and the “little red boxes”.

Finally, on the last weekend of October 26 and 27, there will be the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. It is said: “When England returns to Walsingham, Our Lady will return to England.” We are the Dowry of Mary; we have been given to Our Blessed Lady as a gift. Many of us have forgotten about this, even the most zealous of us. We are Mary’s Dowry, a gift to her, we belong to her. Let’s remember this when we go on pilgrimage and those of you who cannot come, perhaps you will pray for us who are there and we will remember you in our prayers too.

Yours in Blessed Hope,


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