Build a Cairn for Peace

On Friday 5th June, a group of about 50 people of different denominations and faiths met at the Endsleigh Mercy Centre in Hull to pray for peace in the Holy Land. We placed a stone on a cairn as a token of our faith in God’s love and our need for peace in the world. It was a windy and chilly afternoon and the garden, newly planted for our cairn, cheered us as we sang and prayed together.

photo of cairn builders

Stones were laid from Medjugorje, Lourdes and Palestine, pebbles painted with the face of Our Lady, stones gathered from the coastline of East Yorkshire and the hills of Cumbria. It was a moving and intimate few minutes where a group of concerned people shared their prayers and thoughts with one another. Someone came with their dogs and stood waiting on the outskirts of the group. A little girl learning to walk joined in as we sang ‘Lord make me a channel of your peace’.

Afterwards, we went back inside to the warmth of the Mercy Centre and were treated to cream tea and scones. The Cairn for Peace is in the garden at: The Endsleigh Mercy Centre, 481 Beverley Road, Hull HU6 7LJ

No appointment is necessary, just bring your stone and place it with the others as a sign of our prayers for peace. We have placed benches for you to sit and be with God in the peace and tranquillity which is the Endsleigh Mercy Centre. Let us be a part of the Prayers for Peace.

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