The Pipers and Drummers of Queen Margaret’s School, Escrick, joined forces with the Ampleforth Highlanders’ Pipe Band in January to give a 20 minute performance in the art of piping and drumming to school pupils. The session was given as part of an educational initiative to promote future events and attract new players to both Bands.
The combined Bands, consisting of 12 Pipers and eight Drummers played the following tunes, Scotland The Brave, Green Hills, McPherson’s Lament, Amazing Grace, a drum salute and a finale with Highland Cathedral. Piper Major Bryan J Robinson said ìI am delighted to be associated with this initiative. The students gave an excellent performance exhibiting a high standard of performance and were a credit to both of the schools involved. Both St Margaret’s and Ampleforth College are actively recruiting more players and are currently offering ‘taster’ lessons to pupils who want to take up either piping or drumming over the next few weeks’.