Busking for CAFOD

We’ve heard about the runners, cyclists and fashion shows as fundraising activities but students from York University’s Catholic Chaplaincy took to the streets of York City Centre throughout advent to raise funds for CAFOD by busking.

photo of CAFOD buskers in York

They braved the freezing cold and persistent wet weather to entertain the Christmas shoppers with some lively performances which featured a saxophone, flutes and numerous excellent singers, including the Rev Tony Lester, Chaplain, and Johan Bergström-Allen from the Carmelite Community based in the Chaplaincy.

photo of CAFOD supporters busking in York

Hannah Mills, CASSOC President, had set the ambitious target of £1000 and with true determination, refused to concede until they had exceeded this, raising a very commendable £1035.69 at the last count. The students have been working alongside CAFOD Middlesbrough’s Diocesan staff over the last year and have hosted a Climate Change Dinner and CAFOD information evening at the Chaplaincy, as well as helping out at the Unearth Justice Photo Exhibition at St Wilfrid’s Church. They are proving to be excellent ambassadors for CAFOD.

Rev Tony Lester also organised a collection for the Congo emergency in November and the Carmelite community offered to ‘match’ the student’s contribution and raised a total £455! Many thanks to everyone, you are great!

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