Candlelit Prayer Vigil supports #KeepItAlight Campaign

Teessiders are using the power of prayer to support steelworkers and their families. 

Worshippers from across the area will gather for a #KeepItAlight prayer vigil at Saint Andrew’s Catholic Church in Teesville on Thursday October 8 at 7pm.

The candlelit vigil is the inspiration of Veronica Harnett, who was spurred into action by the news that the SSI plant at Redcar is being mothballed.

“It’s impossible not to feel the impact of the end of 170 years of steelmaking on Teesside, with the thousands of job losses that come with it,” said Veronica.

“I work for Redcar & Cleveland Mind and we already support hundreds of people who are out of work, but the scale of this is truly devastating.

“After much personal prayer, I decided to call on the people of Teesside to join together in an evening of prayer and reflection.

“I’ve been moved by the way people from all over the diocese are pulling together after my call for action. We would like as many people as possible to join us.

“We don’t all have a common faith, but we can show our support for the steelworkers, their families and the community by coming together in this way.”

Priests from across Teesside, including Canon Eddie Gubbins, Father Peter Keeling, Father Bill Serplus, and Father Philip Cunnah, have already confirmed they will attend.

For more information about the vigil, email Veronica at

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