World Day of Prayer for Vocations

First Sunday of Lent 2013

Dear Sisters and Brothers Lent is always a gift to us, if we are willing to accept it. But in this Year of Faith it could be the best gift, the timeliest gift, the gift we desperately need, whether we realise it or not. I suppose the fundamental questions to ask...
World Day of Prayer for Vocations

First Sunday of Lent 2013

Dear Sisters and Brothers Lent is always a gift to us, if we are willing to accept it. But in this Year of Faith it could be the best gift, the timeliest gift, the gift we desperately need, whether we realise it or not. I suppose the fundamental questions to ask...
World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Feast of the Holy Family

Dear Brothers and Sisters Will this be the busiest, best discounted shopping weekend of the year?  The shops have only been closed for a very short time and yet already people are queuing to ensure they get the best bargains of the year, spend their...
World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Good Shepherd Sunday 2012

Dear brothers and sisters I hope all of us can say we have had in our lives some experience of unconditional love: from our parents, a grandparent, from significant people in our lives. Perhaps it will have been from a priest, a religious sister or brother. As we look...

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