by webmaster | Jun 28, 2008 | Bishop Terry's Homilies
Feast of SS Peter and Paul, 28 June 2008 ‘Now I know it is all true’ he said. ‘The Lord really did send his angel and has saved me from Herod and from all that the Jewish people were so certain would happen to me.’ When things go wrong, when troubles come along, when...
by webmaster | Jun 27, 2008 | Bishop Terry's Homilies
27 June 2008 The Lord is the living stone, a precious cornerstone, a keystone, a rock. These phrases are used frequently in the scriptures and you have chosen today to reflect this idea in all three pericopes. Strong and protecting, lasting and faithful, surprising...
by webmaster | Jun 27, 2008 | Religious Communities, Bishop Terry
The blessing of the foundation stone at Stanbrook Abbey proved to be quite eventful. Thunder, lightning and torrential rain at just the wrong moment drove the assembly from the car park to a nearby building where the blessing finally took place. Those present along...
by webmaster | Jun 13, 2008 | Bishop Terry's Homilies
13 June 2008 It is good to be here with you this evening celebrating, on this feast of St Anthony, God’s saving message and proclaiming the presence of his kingdom by our unity and joy. Celebration, unity, joy – these are three important traits of being a Christian....
by webmaster | Jun 9, 2008 | Sacraments, Cleveland Newman Circle, Parishes, Bishop Terry
Bishop Terry recently visited the parishes of St Alban’s in Redcar and Our Lady of Lourdes in Saltburn to confirm some of our young people. Our congratulations to all the confirmandii.