St Edward’s Nativity makes the news

Congratulations to the children, parents, governors and staff of St Edward’s Primary School in Middlesbrough for their recent Nativity play. The local paper, The Evening Gazette, reported on this and have a splendid series of photos on their web site. Click here...

Have you got your copy?

The Middlesbrough Diocesan Year Book 2009 is now on sale in most churches in the Diocese, costing £2.00 or, you can order a copy by post for £2.00 plus postage and packing from: Miss Jenny Dowson, Curial Offices, 50a The Avenue, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough, TS5 6QT Tel:...

Calling Parish Gift Aid Organisers

Dear Colleague Further to the recent series of presentations that were held at three different venues around the Diocese during week commencing 20 October 2008, I thought it might be useful to prepare some notes that briefly explain the simplicity and flexibility of...

Bishop Terry Returns

The Bishop of Middlesbrough, the Rt Rev Terence Drainey, returned to a Ryedale parish for a second visit within two days of his first one. After celebrating Masses at St Leonard and St Mary’s Church, Malton, one weekend, he then returned on the Wednesday to...

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