Safeguarding with Confidence

The Cumberlege Commission set up just over a year ago has now completed its report on the review of the Nolan Report. In 2000 Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor invited Lord Nolan to set a framework for best practice in the prevention of abuse and in responding to...

Making the News

Young newshounds from Sacred Heart RC School in Redcar have been reporting on the news – and now they are making it as well! For the year eight pupils have been named 11-14 age-group winners of the inaugural national CES Just News competition, for which they...

How we will meet the costs of the Diocesan Curia in 2007

The costs of the Curia cover the funding of the main pastoral activities of the Diocese – adult formation, child protection, education, vocations and liturgy, care of buildings, youth ministry, historic churches commission, communication, the costs of the Bishop...

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