by Michael McG | Mar 16, 2023 | Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN), Organisations, Bishop Terry
Caritas Social Action Network says it is profoundly concerned about the government’s Illegal Migration Bill, introduced in the House of Commons on March 7.In a statement signed by CSAN chair Bishop Terry and CEO Raymond Friel OBE, it says this bill, if passed, will...
by Michael McG | Feb 7, 2023 | Friends of the Holy Land, Organisations
Time is running out to snap up tickets for an unforgettable evening of uplifting music to raise your spirits while also raising much-needed funds for those in need in the Holy Land. Ecumenical Christian charity Friends of the Holy Land (FHL) invites you to a rare...
by Michael McG | Jan 20, 2023 | Friends of the Holy Land, Organisations, Catholic Bishop's Conference
A group of Catholic Bishops from across Europe were in Jordan for the annual Holy Land Co-ordination, from January 14 to 19 2023. Holy Land Co-ordination 2023 Final Communique Jesus set out from there and went into the district of Judea [and] across the Jordan. Again...
by Michael McG | Jan 18, 2023 | ADoRe charismatic renewal, Organisations
A Zoom course designed to inspire parish evangelisation is being launched by ADoRE, a monthly mini-retreat morning for spiritual renewal.”Proclaim the Good News – we are called to be Missionary Disciples” will run from January to November, usually on the...
by Michael McG | Jan 10, 2023 | Friends of the Holy Land, Organisations
Ecumenical Christian charity Friends of the Holy Land (FHL) invites you to an unforgettable evening of uplifting music to raise your spirits while also raising much-needed funds for those in need in the Holy Land.This rare musical experience is an evening of virtuoso...
by Michael McG | Jan 9, 2023 | Justice and Peace, Organisations
“Let us Dream: How can our parishes save our Common Home?” is the title of the Middlesbrough Diocesan Justice and Peace meeting at St Bede’s Pastoral Centre, Blossom Street, York, on Saturday February 4.We are very much looking forward to welcoming John Paul de Quay,...