by Michael McG | Jan 12, 2024 | Talks, Retreats and Lectures, ADoRe charismatic renewal, Evangelisation
An internationally acclaimed author, conference speaker and Catholic renewal leader will be the keynote speaker at a free mini retreat on Saturday January 27 to show how relying on the power of the Holy Spirit is vital in enabling us to respond to God’s call to...
by Michael McG | Jan 8, 2024 | Pope Francis, Justice and Peace, Organisations
For his theme for World Day of Peace (Sunday January 14), Pope Francis has chosen Artificial Intelligence and Peace.While this might seem a strangely technical theme, we know we do need to think about the consequences of the advances in AI for peace and...
by Michael McG | Dec 19, 2023 | Aid the the Church in Need (ACN), Organisations
Two more civilians have been killed by sniper fire in the grounds of Holy Family Church in Gaza City. Local church partners told Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) that two women, Samar Anton and her mother Nahida, were fatally injured on Saturday (December 16) as they...
by Michael McG | Dec 14, 2023 | Aid the the Church in Need (ACN), Organisations
A Catholic charity is helping religious sisters distribute Christmas gifts to 35,000 children in Syria and 10,000 in Lebanon whose parents cannot afford to buy presents for them.Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is working with the Sisters of St Joseph of Lyons and the...
by Michael McG | Dec 14, 2023 | SVP and Mini Vinnies, Organisations
The St Vincent de Paul Society is looking for volunteers willing to help children put their faith into action. Could this be you? Volunteers would support teachers or youth leaders wishing to start an SVP primary school Mini Vinnies group in their school or...
by Michael McG | Dec 8, 2023 | Friends of the Holy Land, Organisations
There was no Christmas tree or traditional festivities in the place of Jesus Christ’s birth this year in response to the thousands killed in the conflict in the Holy Land.Instead, the focus in the Church of the Nativity and Manger Square in Bethlehem will be on...