Bishop's February Voice Article

If you don’t take advantage of the month of February then before you know where you are, you’re already half way through the year. That might sound a bit odd. But what I mean is that you can’t keep on thinking that you are still at the beginning of the year, and have...

Bishop Terry's New Year Message

So we begin a new year. May it be a blessed and peaceful one for us all. We have many things to look forward to during the course of this year. Each of us will have our own personal wish-list and expectations. However, as a country we will be having a General Election...

Good Shepherd Sunday 2012

Bishop Terry Writes… Dear brothers and sisters, I hope all of us can say we have had in our lives some experience of unconditional love: from our parents, a grandparent, from significant people in our lives. Perhaps it will have been from a priest, a religious...


Bishop Terry Writes… Recently you will have seen, heard and read much about the “consultation” the Government is holding in order to change the legal definition of marriage so as to open the institution of marriage to same sex partnerships. You will...


Bishop Terry Writes… I am told that the word “Lent” comes from an Old English word “lenten” which is an early version of our modern word “lengthen”. The lengthening referred to in this context is the hours of daylight as we...

Year of Faith

Bishop Terry Writes… The Holy Father has asked that the Universal Church should celebrate a ‘Year of Faith’ beginning on 11th October this year and lasting until 23rd November 2013, the Feast of Jesus Christ, Universal King. There are many reasons...

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