Bishop Terry’s March 2023 Voice column

Bishop Terry’s March 2023 Voice column

Lent is a time for renewal, Metanoia, change of heart. We began the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. An action which reminded us of being humble. Life is a journey towards God. The end of Lent is the celebration of the Easter Vigil. The symbol of Light and Darkness...
Bishop Terry’s February Voice column

Bishop Terry’s February Voice column

“Journeying in dignity” is the theme of the ninth International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, celebrated around February 8 2023.Pope Francis reminds us, “Human trafficking is an open wound of contemporary society. A scourge upon the body of...
Bishop Terry’s January 2023 Voice column

Bishop Terry’s January 2023 Voice column

New Year’s Day has many historical and religious origins. In our part of the world, it owes its principal origins to the Roman god Janus. Janus was the god of gateways. He is depicted with two faces, one facing forwards and one facing backwards, the god of beginnings...
Bishop Terry’s December 2022 Voice column

Bishop Terry’s December 2022 Voice column

Deep down inside the human spirit there is a flame of hope. Sometimes that hope can be expressed crudely in wanton restlessness or it can be enshrined in persevering heroic trust against the odds.  It is not optimism, though, like Mr Micawber, but genuine hope is...
Bishop Terry’s November 2022 Voice column

Bishop Terry’s November 2022 Voice column

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen It is such a common and well-worn prayer, that it trips off our tongue with such ease, and perhaps little thought. It’s November, and I always think that this signals the...
Bishop Terry’s October 2022 Voice column

Bishop Terry’s October 2022 Voice column

I’m sure, like many families, when we gather together as a family, we talk about people in the past, our parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, people who we’ve known. That’s when the old biscuit tin comes out, which contains all the photographs, all...

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