Bishop Terry's August 2018 Voice Column

The World Meeting of Families takes place every three years. It started in 1994, when Pope St John Paul II asked the Pontifical Council for the Family (now part of the Dicastery for Laity, the Family and Life) to establish an international event of prayer, catechesis...

Bishop Terry's July 2018 Voice Column

We approach July with a hint of joy and some sadness. There is great joy because it is the time of the year when priestly anniversaries are commemorated. We have the opportunity to give thanks for many years of good, fruitful and faithful ministry. As a priest, one is...

Bishop Terry's June 2018 Voice Column

As we leave the Easter Season behind us, with all its joys, celebrations and rich liturgy, we enter into the month of June. From a very natural point of view we hope that June will be a month of warmth and sunshine – sadly, this is not always the case! However, the...

Bishop Terry's April 2018 Voice Column

In this month’s Voice there are many important articles, but I would just like to draw your attention to two in particular. Our Diocesan Justice and Peace Organisation, in the light of Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ – On The Care Of Our Common Home, are...

November Voice Article from the Bishop

From the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, December 8 2015, until the Feast of Christ the King, November 20 2016, our Holy Father Pope Francis has declared an Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy. In so many ways, and running through all that he says, Pope Francis has...

September Article from Bishop Terry

The month of September is one of those major turning points in the calendar year. The nights draw in ever more quickly, the holiday season comes to an end and we find ourselves wondering where the summer went. September also brings many important beginnings. Pupils...

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