Nov, 2007
Catholic Education in Hull – Big Decisions Proposed

“Gratitude for the past – Enthusiasm for the present – Hope for the future” (John Paul II)

Chairs of Governors, Diocesan and Local Authority Representatives, Clergy and School Leaders came together on 11th and 12th October to consider the future of Catholic Education in Hull and District.

Since the late 1800s, Catholic Education in Hull has made a significant contribution to the Mission of the Church in Education to the Common Good and to Community Cohesion.

photo of Hull educationalists

This significant gathering of educationalists recognised with gratitude all the good work that has taken place in Catholic schools over many years and acknowledged with great appreciation, the impact of this work in enriching the lives of many children, their families and the wider community.

Faced with opportunities to respond to new challenges, and further enhance the quality of Catholic Education in Hull and District, they believe that specific action is now required to ensure this long term commitment.

They were united in their voice that the key to success lay in greater collaboration, building on some excellent projects already in existence. At the end of their two day conference they agreed a draft vision statement to be considered by all those involved in Catholic Education, a draft ‘commitment to collaborate’ and a draft Action Plan with three key priorities:

  1. To sustain the provision and further enhance the quality of Catholic Education in Hull and District.
  2. To consolidate and further develop strong collaborative links across the family of Catholic Schools.
  3. To consider a strategic plan for the long term suitability of buildings fit for purpose, for all Catholic Schools in Hull and District.

The two days were facilitated by Frank McDermott and Tony Thorne who were part-funded by grants made to the Catholic Education Service through the National College of School Leadership.

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