Feb, 2013
CCS Mass of Thanksgiving and Ushaw Lecture from the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta

CCS Mass of Thanksgiving and Ushaw Lecture from the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta
Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University

March 6th will be an incredible day of thanksgiving, learning and forward reflection for the supporters and friends of the Centre for Catholic Studies and Ushaw College. Bishop Seamus Cunningham will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving, to be concelebrated by friends from religious orders supporting the Centre, with preaching from Abbot of Downside – Dom Aidan Bellenger. The Mass is to give thanks for the witness of the Centre itself, those whose generosity has made it possible, and for all those who have understood the benefit of this unique mission for the Church based in our region.

Following the Mass, Fra’ Matthew Festing – Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta and native son of Northumberland – will give his Ushaw Lecture on “The Order of Malta in Pre-Reformation England”. Fra’ Matthew is a member of the CCS’ International Development Board and has been a friend to Ushaw for many years. His lecture comes at a significant point in the free “Ushaw Lecture Series”, organised primarily by Dr James Kelly, which continues to be successful in its mission to promote the significance of the College – its heritage and its holdings – to the world.

All are welcome to the Mass of Thanksgiving beginning at 5:00pm in the beautiful St Cuthbert’s Chapel at Ushaw and to Fra’ Matthew’s Ushaw Lecture beginning at 6:15pm in the Hall; there will be a drinks reception in the Refectory at 5:45pm to welcome guests before the lecture begins.

To attend this free event, please email Theresa Phillips at ccs.admin@durham.ac.uk or on +44 (0) 191 334 1656.

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