Centering Prayer is a simple but profound method of silent prayer. It is part of the long tradition of silent prayer within the Christian tradition.
In Centering Prayer, we experience God’s presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than thinking, closer than consciousness itself.
It is a receptive prayer of resting in God. It moves beyond conversation with God to communion and intimacy with God
We are holding a day to explore Centering Prayer at St Bernadette’s Church, Gypsy Lane, Middlesbrough TS7 0EB on Saturday December 9.
Reverend Mark Waters, a spiritual director and coordinator of a network for contemplative prayer and practice based at Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral, will lead the day.
The day is suitable for those who have never attempted Centering Prayer before, as well as those who may wish to refresh their practice.
We begin at 9.30am with refreshments for a 10am start and finish by 3pm.
Bring your own packed lunch. There is no cost for the day.

Centering Prayer Day at St Bernadette’s