May, 2011
Change of President

Members of the Catholic Women’s League in the Diocese of Middlesbrough gathered at Our Lady and St Peter, Bridlington, for their Branch Annual General Meeting on Saturday 9th April. The meeting was preceded by Mass concelebrated by Canon David Grant, Parish Priest and Rev Brian Nicholson, Branch Chaplain. Bridlington Section members had provided a lovely buffet lunch. Mary Durcan, Branch President, welcomed our new National President, Mrs Margaret Richards. All Sections reported on their work during 2010, work which supports their parish and priest, non League charities and the League’s own internal charities, e.g. Relief and Refugee, Services and Our Lady’s Catechists.

photo of Mrs Lillian Finch, Mrs Margaret Richards and Rev Brian Nicholson

The National President spoke of her visit to Headley Court, the Army’s Rehabilitation Centre, which does such wonderful work with and for our injured Army personnel (the League’s national charity for 2010 was Help for Heroes). She was very impressed by all the Section reports and all that had been done. She emphasised the work for the Refugees, their needs were great. She had visited an Asylum Seekers Centre in Southwark Branch and whist Southwark Council funded two full-time workers, all other monies needed were dependant on voluntary contributions. Two asylum seekers, who had been helped there, were now on the voluntary staff helping others.

Margaret said Bishop Moth, Bishop to the Forces, had written to the League saying the ongoing needs of British serving men and women, both past and present, continues so Margaret urged members to keep up their support for Services. Please double your efforts for Relief and Refugee and Services charities. Then came the change of Officers. Mrs Lillian Finch from Driffield Section becomes the new Diocesan Branch President. Mrs Mary Durcan from Hull St Joseph Section becomes the Branch Secretary, whilst Mrs Sylvia Woods from Ormesby Section stays on as Branch Treasurer for one more year. Margaret Richards urged all our Sections to get out their recruitment packs, say to your Parish Priest that “we need to have a recruitment drive, please could we speak at all the Masses”.

The League was having a Mass said at Douai Abbey on 29th April at 12 noon for the Royal Couple’s happiness. Kate Middleton’s family live in the next village to Douai. The National President was to attend that Mass on behalf of all the League’s members. She said it had been a real joy to be with us. Fr Brian summed it up “come rain or shine, the League’s doing fine”. He reminded us that we have to reach out, take up the challenge, show willing.

Elizabeth Rodgers, retiring Secretary

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