Diocesan fundraising and gift aid officer Dan Woodgate
Jan, 2023
Diocese launches new fundraising initiative

As we continue to recover from the effects of the pandemic, the trustees have appointed a fundraising officer to help support its parishes and create a fundraising strategy across the diocese.

Dan Woodgate takes on the role with a wealth of diocesan experience behind him. He has worked in the finance department of the Curia for 22 years, the last three years incorporating his work as the gift aid officer.
He has extensive knowledge of parish finances and will use his network of parish contacts to full advantage in this role. He is also an active parishioner in his home parish of St Patrick’s, Thornaby. 

Dan has already started the groundwork of the role with his digital giving campaign, which featured in last month’s Catholic Voice, and he is keen to progress that further throughout the year.
There’s so much more than that though, as Dan explains: “I’m excited to be given this opportunity to help our parishes increase their income.
“I know and love parish life and feel there is a real niche for this new role. I am very aware of the generosity of our parishioners, particularly in the current climate, and although I will be assisting parishes with planned giving appeals, I also want to look at generating income without hitting parishioners’ pockets directly.
“This will include applying for grants, promoting the gift aid scheme, raising legacy awareness and more.”  

Dan will share his news here throughout the year, but is also keen to hear from you. If you have any income-generating ideas, whether locally or diocese-wide, please get in touch with him at fundraising@rcdmidd.org.uk or call 01642 850505, extension 254.

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